
Sunday, October 4, 2009

Program nameA title and a seven-step into foodEasy Cooking Episode 7
Actor/moderatorThe cast/HostKym Ng Bell harp, Huang Hui-Ng video broadcast date and timeShow Time & Date with effect from 14 August, whenever Friday, 8 pmStarting Every Fri 14th August, 8pm
The episodeNo. Of Episodes15
The plotSynopsis
And cattle salad
Materials/seasoningOn the usage of 180 ml liqueurs 180 ml lettuce Chai fillets 1 to develop a taste for seasoning accordingSesame Sauce Tsing 180 ml vinegar 2.7 ml 180 ml practices1 do beef Cook sauce: the sweet sake and eliminating alcohol after ignition Add soy sauce and Chai fish fillets, ** foci of the country when the housing tips: alcohol ignition and moist and a vegetable sauce: mixed sesame oil, sweet rice wine, white vinegar and sake, spreading for mixing dish dish after3 beef sprinkle with a little Ocean sliced** foci room tips: sea salt and authentic cattle4 on the 1 of jelly sauce after roast beef5 row up to

Fried lamb
Mutton sauce:On the usage of 120 ml of soy sauce 120 ml liqueurs paragraph 120 ml garlic 1Carrot 1 onion half a mutton 400 seasoningSugar 30 g just the right amount of pepper salt
Practice1 do: mixed soy sauce, sweet rice wine, and once and roll 2 Cook, by adding after the sauce of the onion, garlic, small radish and sugar and cook for 15 minutes ** foci room tips: green onions, garlic to increase tanzhong, turnip sheep-tasting3 processing slicing mutton to gluten:4 to salt and pepper marinated lamb5 the mutton fried ripe6 with sauce to rear disc

Seafood casserole
FlavourScallops with six bean curd 1 block shrimp to six cod 200 gramsCarrot 1 garlic 1 section velvet 1 mushroom 6 tabletsMy hunch was right half a stock to takeThe sweet sauce Tsing 360 ml 360 ml water 1.5 litre practices1 cut all the flavour2 making head – namely, water, and on rum sauce3 arrange all prepared in4 after cooking with stock to take 5-7 minutes

cooking main course (1) main course (2)
节目名称Title七步成食Easy Cooking Episode 7
演员 / 主持人Cast / HostKym Ng 鐘琴 , Ng Hui 黄 慧
播映日期与时间Show Time & Date自8月14日起,每逢星期五,晚上8点Starting 14th August,Every Fri 8pm
集数No. of Episodes15
材料 / 调味料清酒 180毫升 甜酒 180毫升 柴鱼片 1把 生菜 按各人喜好
调味料酱青 180毫升 麻油 270毫升 醋 180毫升
做法1 做牛肉酱料:煮清酒和甜酒后点火祛酒精后加入酱油和柴鱼片 **灶房贴士:煮酒点火祛酒精 2 做蔬菜酱料:混合麻油,甜酒,白醋和清酒,掺和菜后铺在盘上3 牛肉撒上少许海洋后切片**灶房贴士: 海盐提和牛原汁原味4 搽上1的酱汁后烤牛肉5 排盘即可

材料 / 调味料
羊肉酱料:酱油 120毫升 清酒 120毫升 甜酒 120毫升 蒜 1段胡萝卜 1条 洋葱 半个 羊肉 400克
调味料糖 30克 胡椒粉 适量 盐 适量
做法1 做酱料:混合酱油,清酒和甜酒 2 煮滚酱料后,加入洋葱,蒜,萝卜和糖,小火煮15分钟 **灶房贴士:葱,蒜去羊膻, 萝卜增甜味3 处理羊肉:去筋切片4 以盐和胡椒粉腌羊肉5 把羊肉煎熟6 淋上酱汁后排盘即可

主料干贝6个 豆腐1块 虾6只 鳕鱼200克胡萝卜1条 蒜1段 金针菇1包 蘑菇6粒高丽菜 半个
汤头酱青360毫升 甜酒360毫升 水1.5公升
做法1 切所有主料2 煮汤头 – 即水,酱青加上甜酒3 排列所有食材4 淋上汤头后煮5-7分钟

前菜 主菜(1) 主菜(2)
节目名称Title七步成食Easy Cooking Episode 6
演员 / 主持人Cast / HostKym Ng 鐘琴 , Ng Hui 黄 慧
播映日期与时间Show Time & Date自8月14日起,每逢星期五,晚上8点Starting 14th August,Every Fri 8pm
集数No. of Episodes15
材料 / 调味料红苹果 4 粒 瘦肉 300克无花果 8颗 南杏 5钱 (带甜)北杏 4钱 (带苦)水 4碗
做法1 苹果去芯,切块2 瘦肉过热水,祛血祛腥 3 将所有材料加入水中煮2小时

材料 / 调味料鸡腿 2只鸡精 1罐药材 1份枸杞子 1把龙眼肉 1把
腌料:花雕酒 2茶匙酱青 2茶匙粟粉 少许糖 少许盐 少许
做法1 鸡肉切块并用腌料腌制半小时2 把药材放在水里滚10分钟出味3 鸡肉过热水,祛血祛腥 4 把鸡肉,药材和鸡精倒在碗中 5 蒸药材鸡20分钟
**速成有方, 加速药材出味释出营养妙法.煮药材费时又费煤气,但其实只要预先将药材煮15分钟,让药材迅速出味,就能省时省煤气又能让药效发挥的淋漓尽致了。

材料 鱼肉 250克干贝 100克姜茸 1茶匙 米4人份 红萝卜1条 鸡蛋 1个
**鱼肉可用肉质粘性强,适合清蒸的马鲛鱼,豆腐鱼,马友鱼或午鱼香菇 调味料麻油花雕酒粟粉盐胡椒粉
做法1 剁碎鱼肉,香菇,红萝卜和干贝 2 以调味料腌制鱼肉,香菇,萝卜,干贝和姜茸3 加入鸡蛋搅拌 4 把材料铺在半熟饭上蒸熟
主菜(1) 主菜(2) 主菜(3)

Program nameA title and a seven-step into foodEasy Cooking Episode 6
Actor/moderatorThe cast/HostKym Ng Bell harp, Huang Hui-Ng video broadcast date and timeShow Time & Date with effect from 14 August, whenever Friday, 8 pmStarting Every Fri 14th August, 8pm
The episodeNo. Of Episodes15
The plotSynopsis
It does wonders for Apple fig soup
Materials/seasoningRed Apple 4 tablets of lean meat 300 gramsFig 8 man-made almonds 5 money (sweet)Almond 4 money (with bitter)Water 4 Bowl practice1 go to the Apple core,2 lean too hot water, the blood flow and removing odour from 3 by adding all the materials will be boiled water for 2 hours

Steamed Chicken chicken essence medicinal materials
Materials/seasoningChicken leg 2 onlyCans chicken 1Medicinal ingredients 1 contractLycii 5.1Longan 5.1 ** medicinal ingredients, including snow, rhizome, Angelica, jujube dangshen
Cured materials:Steamed with yellow wine 2 teaspoonsGreen 2 teaspoons of sauceMillet flour a littleThe sugar a littleA little salt
Practice1 chicken marinated cut and they are used for half an hour of material for pickling2 the medicinal materials soak smell of rolling 10 minutes out of the3 chicken overheated, blood flow and removing odour from 4 chicken, chicken and pour it into the Bowl 5 steamed chicken 20 minutes medicinal materials
** express good direction, speed up the release medicinal materials out of the taste of a good nutrition boiling medicinal materials takes time and cost of gas, but in fact, as long as advance medicinal materials Cook for 15 minutes to allow medicinal materials quickly out of taste, you'll save time provincial gas so thanks for your efforts of efficacy.

Mushroom rice with fish meat
Materials for the manufacture of fish 250 gramsScallops with 100 g1 teaspoon minced ginger m 4 persons carrots 1 egg 1
** a fleshy fish available, suitable for viscous strong steamed of mackerel 马友, fish, fish or afternoon fish mushroom
SeasoningsSesame oilSteamed with yellow wineMillet flourSaltPepper practices1 chopped carrots for fish, mushrooms and scallops with 2 for seasoning, pickled fish, mushrooms and radish, Scallops with minced ginger3 by adding eggs 4 material placed on half-cooked steam main course (1) main course (2) main course (3)
七步成食Easy Cooking Episode 5
演员 / 主持人Cast / HostKym Ng 鐘琴 , Ng Hui 黄 慧
播映日期与时间Show Time & Date自8月14日起,每逢星期五,晚上8点Starting 14th August,Every Fri 8pm
集数No. of Episodes15
材料 / 调味料熟龙虾 2只芒果 1粒蜜瓜 8颗小番茄 2粒黄瓜 1条红色大葱 1粒 火箭菜 50克 酸辣酱: 酸梅酱 500克 泰式辣椒 1500克鱼露 375毫升麻油 375毫升 黑胡椒碎 少许
沙拉酱 橄榄油 30克黑葡萄醋 20克 (Balsamico vinegar)海盐 2克黑胡椒碎 少许
做法1. 混合所有酱料搅打成酸辣酱2. 切所有食材3. 排盘 - 把食材整齐排列盘内4. 点搽酸辣酱5. 用沙拉料调拌火箭菜,放入盘中即可

材料 / 调味料鳕鱼 200克橄榄油 50克马铃薯 1粒胡椒粉 少许盐 少许芫荽碎 少许杏仁片 少许牛油 100克细香葱 少许 香橙汁: 橙汁 200克蜜糖 100克鱼汤 50克牛油 50克薄荷叶 数片
柑橘汁: 葡萄柚果肉 数瓣橙果肉 数瓣 柠檬果肉 数瓣糖粉 50克
做法1 水煮马铃薯2 煮橙汁、蜜糖、鱼汤和薄荷叶至浓稠状3 果肉切丁后与糖粉一起煮4 香煎鳕鱼(独门秘方: 用带皮蒜头或迷迭香煎鱼,提味)5 用牛油加上芫荽煎马铃薯6 以果肉,杏仁片,细香葱和果汁排盘

材料 / 调味料 奶油 125克牛奶 125克糖 30克蛋黄 60克开心果酱 17克白明胶 1片 (gelatin) 红果泥: 草莓 100克木莓 100克香槟 200毫升糖 30克 点缀: 甜生奶油 适量 (whipped cream)海绵蛋糕丁木莓 蓝莓 黑莓开心果粉
做法1. 煮滚牛奶和奶油灶房贴示: 先为蛋黄加温以防在锅中形成蛋花2. 先后加入蛋黄、白糖、开心果酱和白明胶3. 把草莓、木莓、香槟和糖搅拌成果泥4. 过滤果渣5. 放布丁入盘,淋上果酱,用其他食材点缀
前菜 主菜 甜品
1 / 5 1 / 6

Seven steps to foodEasy Cooking episode 5
Actor/moderatorThe cast/HostKym Ng Bell harp, Huang Hui-Ng video broadcast date and timeShow Time & Date with effect from 14 August, whenever Friday, 8 pmStarting Every Fri 14th August, 8pm episodeNo. Of Episodes15
The plotSynopsis
Lobster Mango Salad/seasoningCooked lobster 2 onlyA mangoStart 8 man-madeTomatoes 2 tabletsCucumber # 1.Red Rocket Welsh onion 1 grain vegetable 50 g dark Plum Chutney: 500 g Thai Chili Sauce 1 500 gramsFish sauce 375 mlSesame oil 375 ml black pepper broken a little olive oil 30 g saladGrapes Balsamico vinegar 20 g (vinegar)Sea salt 2 gramsThe practice of broken a little black pepper1. the mixed whipping all sauce into Chutney2. cut all the body3. Pai disk array-the food tray4. the point of jelly Chutney5. use of material mixing rocket salad dish, put into a plate

Citrus fruit fry cod
Materials/seasoningCod 200 gramsOlive oil 50 gA potatoPepperA little saltA little broken corianderAlmond slices in a littleButter 100 gA little chive
Fragrant orange juice: 200 grams of orange juiceHoney 100 gFish soup 50 gButter 50 gThe number of slices with mint leaf juice: grapefruit citrus pulp few flapOrange flesh few number of flap flap lemon flesh50 grams of sugar
Practice1 boiled potatoes2 cooked orange juice, honey, fish soup and mint leaf to rich and thick-like3 after the flesh diced cooked with icing sugar4 fried cod (secret recipe: keys to use with skin garlic or fried fish, Rosemary flavour)5 use butter together with cilantro fried potato6 to flesh, almond slices, Chive and juice row disk

Red berries mud pistachio pudding
Cream 125 gramsMilk 125 grams30 grams of sugarEgg yolks 60 gramsHappy jam 17 gramsWhite gelatin gelatin (1) red berries mud: Strawberry 100 gWood: Blueberry 100 gChampagne 200 ml30 grams of sugar
Secretary for health, embellished by a moderate amount of sweet whipped cream (cream)Sponge cake DingWood: Blueberry Blueberry BlackBerryHappy l. powder practicesRoll boiling milk and creamThe number of the focal housing: first egg yolk heating to prevent the formation of the Pan chicken2. as to the sequence by adding white sugar, egg yolk, happy jam and white gelatin3. or strawberry, champagne and sugar stirring achievements in mud4. filtering pomace5. put into liquidation, pudding with jam, embellished by a different body
cooking main courses dessert 1/5 1/6
目名称Title煮炒来咯Sizzling Woks Episode 4
演员 / 主持人Cast / HostPornsak , Li Teng 李腾
播映日期与时间Show Time & Date自9月9日起,每逢星期三,晚上8点Premieres 9 Sep, every Wed,8pm
集数No. of Episodes11
剧情Synopsis地点:Toa Payoh

鸿运海鲜鱼头炉 1. 白米粉2. 肉松茄子 3. 牛油苏东 The name of the buffetsStill haven't found the title to cook friedSizzling Woks Episode 4
Actor/moderatorThe cast/HostPornsak, Li Teng-Teng Li Teng-broadcast date and timeShow Time & Date with effect from September 9, said that every year, 8 pm on Wednesday,Premieres 9 Sep, every Wed, 8pm
The episodeNo. Of Episodes11
The plotToa Payoh Synopsis venue:

Good luck seafood and fish head furnace 1. white rice noodles2. it turns out that in the East of Eggplant 3. butter a nancun seafood 1. start Strawberry shrimp 2.3. garlic chicken and pork ribs

一家南村海鲜 1. 蜜瓜虾 2. 草莓鸡 3. 蒜子排骨
节目名称Title煮炒来咯Sizzling Woks Episode 3
演员 / 主持人Cast / HostPornsak , Li Teng 李腾
播映日期与时间Show Time & Date自9月9日起,每逢星期三,晚上8点Premieres 9 Sep, every Wed,8pm
集数No. of Episodes11

顺顺发海鲜 1. 奶黄排骨 2. 七龙珠 3. 甘香粉肠
香港街老珍记 1. 港式牛腩 2. 金龙豆腐 3. 咸蛋虾

Program nameStill haven't found the title to cook friedSizzling Woks Episode 3
Actor/moderatorThe cast/HostPornsak, Li Teng-Teng Li Teng-broadcast date and timeShow Time & Date with effect from September 9, said that every year, 8 pm on Wednesday,Premieres 9 Sep, every Wed, 8pm
The episodeNo. Of Episodes11
The plotSynopsis: Redhill Shun Shun FA seafood 1. yolk pork ribs 2. seven pearls, precious 3. 甘香 powder intestinal Hong Kong guide old Jane note (1) Hong Kong-style beef brisket (2) the Golden Dragon Shrimp with preserved tofu 3.
节目名称Title煮炒来咯Sizzling Woks Episode 2
演员 / 主持人Cast / HostPornsak , Li Teng 李腾
播映日期与时间Show Time & Date自9月9日起,每逢星期三,晚上8点Premieres 9 Sep, every Wed,8pm
集数No. of Episodes11

海鲜食霸 1. 亚叁鱼头 2. 相思芥兰 3. 麦片排骨
金福海鲜菜馆 1. 菜脯蒸鱼 2. 酥烤鸭方 3. 泰式元蹄
Program nameStill haven't found the title to cook friedSizzling Woks episode 2
Actor/moderatorThe cast/HostPornsak, Li Teng-Teng Li Teng-broadcast date and timeShow Time & Date with effect from September 9, said that every year, 8 pm on Wednesday,Premieres 9 Sep, every Wed, 8pm
The episodeNo. Of Episodes11
The plotTampines Synopsis venue:

Seafood food PA 1. Asia III fish head 2. Acacia Kale 3. oatmeal pork ribs Kim Bok seafood restaurant 1. dishes of preserved steamed fish 2. crisp roast duck-party3. Thai trotters
节目名称Title煮炒来咯Sizzling Woks Episode 1
演员 / 主持人Cast / HostPornsak , Li Teng 李腾
播映日期与时间Show Time & Date自9月9日起,每逢星期三,晚上8点Premieres 9 Sep, every Wed,8pm
集数No. of Episodes11
剧情Synopsis地点: 宏茂桥 (Ang Mo Kio)
豪乡海鲜小厨 1. 双味鱼 2. 金沙虾婆 3. 沙皮鸡
甘家庄 1. 东坡肉 2. 金瓜奶王虾球 3. 金针菇豆腐
Program nameStill haven't found the title to cook friedSizzling Woks episode 1
Actor/moderatorThe cast/HostPornsak, Li Teng-Teng Li Teng-broadcast date and timeShow Time & Date with effect from September 9, said that every year, 8 pm on Wednesday,Premieres 9 Sep, every Wed, 8pm
The episodeNo. Of Episodes11
The plotSynopsis: KIO (Ang Mo Kio)-Hao, the Heung Yee Kuk 79,200 1. creamy fish 2. jinsha shrimp-she said "3. sand-skin chicken Chuang 1. ganjiaxiang, Don-2. milk Pumpkin King Prawn 3. Velvet bean curd