
Saturday, September 5, 2009

材料 - 粉葛 (1个)- 排骨(软骨肉) (500克)- 珍珠玉米 (1个)- 水 (1.5公升)
做法:1. 煮沸1.5公升水2. 处理粉葛和珍珠玉米 – 去皮切块3. 排骨切块后过热水,去血消毒4. 所有材料下锅煮4个小时

材料 - 甘榜母鸡 (一只切块)- 黑木耳 (适量)- 老姜丝 (适量)- 蒜 (适量)
调味料- 法国廊酒 (1-2汤匙)- 米酒 ( 适量)- 麻油 (2汤匙)
做法: 1.用麻油爆香蒜和老姜丝2.加入鸡块炒至半熟3.倒入法国廊酒,助鸡肉提味4.加入黑木耳炒软5. 加入米酒继续翻炒后焖煮
ADDITIONAL INFO家酿米酒材料- 糯米 (1公斤)- 酒饼 (2-3个)

材料 - 切块猪脚 (500克) - 全熟蛋 (4个)- 老姜 (2个)
调味料- 水 (适量)- 黄糖 (2-3汤匙)- 黑醋 (半瓶) 做法1. 把老姜拍散后用麻油炒干2. 以黑醋,水和黄糖浸泡姜3. 猪脚过热水,去血消毒4. 加入猪脚和剥壳全熟蛋煮
Home ” “ reservoir kudzu and sparerib soup materials-arrowroot (1)-pork ribs (cartilage meat) (500 grams)-Pearl corn (1)-water (1.5 liter) practices:1. the boiled 1.5 litre of water2. treatment of kudzu and Pearl corn – to apice block3. after the cut pork ribs and overheated, go to the blood disinfection4. all materials boil 4 hours

Home “ reservoir ” ginger wine chicken materials-Kampong hen (a cut block)-auricularia (moderation)-ginger shreds (moderation)-Garlic (moderation)
Seasonings-French Gallery 1-2 tablespoons of wine ()-rice wine (moderation)-sesame oil (2 tablespoons)
Practice: 1. the use of cannabis oil with garlic and Ginger fragrance for silk2. adding chicken fried to half-cooked3. pour the wine, help France Gallery flavour of chicken4. joining fried soft Auricularia Auricula5. join rice wine continue stir-fry simmered additional info afterHome made rice wine materials-glutinous rice (1 kg)-wine cake (2-3) practice1. the cooked glutinous rice pending cooling2. Add the minced wine from glutinous rice cake, cast into the tank seal on

Home ” “ reservoir Wee-Wee vinegar
Material-cut style pig (500 grams)-cooked eggs (4)-all ingredients (2)
Seasonings-water (moderation)-brown sugar (2-3 tablespoons)-Balsamic (half a bottle)
Practices1. put all ingredients into photographing powder dry pepper fried after2. taking the balsamic, immersion in water and brown sugar and ginger3. go to the overheated, and pig's blood disinfection4. joining the pig and rind well-done eggs cooked

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