owner http://msaufong.com/myhomerecipe/2006/08/homemake-chinese-rice-wine-confinement-recipe/
Ingredients :
6 Kilo Glutinous Rice
18 pcs small wine biscuit (chao ban 酒餅)
some water (about 150ml)

1st ~ Cook all the Glutinous Rice with rice cooker, we cook 3 - 4 time to finish whole 6 Kilo…(remember to cook at night, coz need to wait those rice getting cold)

2nd ~ Get ready the wine biscuit, compress into powder form…

3rd ~ Let all the cooked Glutinous Rice cold..have to cook it at night..
and let it overnight to make sure all of it have cool lor…
..if continue other steps by using the hot rice will cause the wine become sour …

4th ~ Next early morning, get ready the Ceramic Selinder (?) ..
and start with 1st layer of wine powder..

5TH ~ then, 1 layer of Glutinous Rice…

6th ~ cover with another layer of wine powder….

Repeat Step 4 & Step 5….until finished all the Glutinous Rice & wine powder..

7th ~ Finally Pour alittle bit of water on the top of those ingredients….
and Cover it nicely…

WARNING!! Keep it at Safety Place…and try to put alittle bit water in the big plate to avoid ants attack..
Note :
1) Pour 1 or 2 bottle of Rice Wine (bought from shop) into it on the 3rd day….to make it more ‘thick’ & tasty wor..
2) Homemade Chinese Rice Wine (米酒) will be ready after 20 days only….
3) With good result may produce 10 - 15 bottles (1 litre) sweet & tasty chinese rice wine..
p/s : According to old folks, Kenot make chinese rice wine on Chinese day No. 3, 6 & 9 (初三, 六 & 九) …..They said these few days will cause no wine produced wan ..:)) ..don’t ask me why..coz I have not idea at all…:p
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